WFMW- My very own Starbucks!

     I have to admit to ya’ll that I am a Starbuck’s girl.  Oh mamma, give me a grande Java Chip anyday!  Now that it is the Christmas season they have brought another one that just calls to me. 

     The Peppermint Mocha Latte. 

     Oh sweet heaven in a cup! 

     The problem with this whole Starbucks thing is that I can’t go forking over a fiver everytime I want some chocolate-y coffee.    Sigh.

     BUT, I figured out a little rendition of the Peppermint Mocha Latte of my own. 

     I combined a hot cup of fake coffee, you know the crystalized stuff, and a cup of hot chocolate.   It was delish!  I have made several of them over the past few days, and I am loving it!  No trip into town.  Not to mention it is cheap and easy to make. 

     Today I found a way to add that little something to my new found drink.  Peppermint food flavoring!  I have cinnamon,  peppermint, vanilla and almond.  The peppermint was fab, and now I am working on trying the others. 

     Being cheap frugal and a nut for chocolate helped me to discover my very own Starbucks knockoff, and that works for me!

     For more WFMW visit We are that family.  🙂

     While you’re here, why not enter into my Christmas giveaway!?! 

God bless,


6 responses to “WFMW- My very own Starbucks!

  1. I totally do the hot chocolate mix into the coffee too! It’s the best.

  2. Great replacement for $5+ coffee!

  3. Oh, I’ve got try this. Thanks!

  4. Sounds delicious! I will have to try that

  5. Have you tried stirring with a candy cane? Sometimes that peppermint flavoring can get pretty intense.

  6. I happen to love caramel frappuccinos… and now I do my own at home. I make about 24-26 oz ones every day.

    .5 C concentrated coffee (I cold brew) or espresso
    .5 C Caramel Ice Cream Topping (hey, I didn’t say it was healthy or low cal)
    1 T Caramel Coffee Syrup
    1 C Milk (I use whole, raw milk)
    About 1 C Ice Cubes

    Blenderize it until it is the consistency you like! Be even more decadent and add whipped cream 😛

    Takes me about two minutes to make it and it’s much cheaper and far more convenient than the coffee shop!

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