WFMW- Yearbooks

     As a homeschooling parent I have often thought about finding a way to create a family yearbook to represent each school year.  I had no idea how to do it.  Until now. 

     If you don’t homeschool- DON”T GO ANYWHERE!  This is not just for homeschoolers.  How about creating a yearbook to commemorate your family’s activities for the year, or a “through the years” book for a high school senior, or remembering your child’s first year of life, or their first year of school?  There are so many reasons to create a “yearbook”. 

     I have tried and tried, but I am not a scrapbooker.  I have supplies.  I don’t really have the time to give to making the pages and then putting them all into books.  I needed something quicker and easier.  This is where Our Hubbub by Jostens comes in and saves the day.

     It is so easy.  I choose a design I like.  Personally, I chose the Homeschool Modern design. 

Then I chose the cover.  You can choose one already done or customize your own. 

     I uploaded the photos I wanted, and I was able to make the pages look exactly like what I had envisioned.

     I have had a blast making our family’s yearbook for the ’08-’09 school year.  For example, I made a USA Gymnastics page for Ms. Firecracker (8 ), an Upward cheerleading and basketball page for Ms. Serious (11), an AAU Gymnastics page for Ms. Lovebug (6), and a birthday page to cover the birthdays they each had during the school year.  All 6 birthdays and the arrival of our newest in May.

     It has been a fantastic way to commemorate our school year and all our family has done and that works for me!

     Have a WFMW or just wanting to check out what others are saying?  Visit We Are That Family.

God bless,


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