Winding Down, Winding Up!

Did you know that “winding down” requires that life gets a little “wound up”?  *wink*
At this time of year we are working on wrapping up a few loose ends on the schoolwork front.  For the kids there are a couple geography projects to complete, the big end-of-the-year tests in math and english, and one science project.  
Then comes the fun part.  Please go back and read that last sentence with a touch of humor and a hint of sarcasm.  I get to spend several days compiling and organizing the schoolwork from the year for each child and get it all stored and labeled.  
In addition, I will be working on reading the evaluations I have written for each of the kids over the year and writing final evaluations.  
The evaluations help me to plan all of the ins and outs of the curriculum for the next school year and make sure it will be exactly what they need.
I also use the evaluations to create a summer study program that we will do in June and July.  We homeschool year round and use the summer months to reinforce any areas that one of the children might not feel very confident about.  Summers are for having a blast doing a lot of new experiments, projects and field trips.  No, it is not the same schedule as the August through May school year.  
There is something I am looking forward to:  shopping for school supplies.
I practically get giddy just thinking about it.
I could spend hours walking around looking at the bins of brightly colored pencils, fresh erasers, bottles of glue, funky rulers, sharp crayons begging to be colored with, folders, paper, notebooks… I could go on and on.  I pretty much did, didn’t I?  *grin*
This year I am putting a little bit of planning into it.  I am hoping that the time I spend planning will help keep my adoration of school supplies under control.
I am not promising anything, but I will try.
How do you wrap up your school year?
Always in God’s mighty hands,
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3 responses to “Winding Down, Winding Up!

  1. Wrap up the school year? Oh – that would be a good idea wouldn’t it!? We didn’t wrap anything up – just kind of ended with a thud just in time for graduation and to host a family reunion. Oh well – the best laid plans….

  2. One of my Facebook friends was complaining today that school supplies are already out in the stores. I can’t wait to go check it out!! They make me so happy 🙂 I need to take an inventory before I go shopping this year – I usually end up with too many spirals & not enough glue sticks.

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