Mike Huckabee and Homeschooling/ Ron Paul and the Constitution

My husband and I have not chosen Huckabee.  We haven’t chosen anyone yet.  We are still considering the candidates.  Are there any out there who believe that the government is not supposed to stick their noses in everyone’s every day lives and are not supposed to make decisions FOR people?   Maybe that is Ron Paul?  One thing that makes me nervous about Ron Paul is he is not clear on his homeschooling stance.  Anyone have a link for that info?

10 responses to “Mike Huckabee and Homeschooling/ Ron Paul and the Constitution

  1. I just wanted to make a comment about Mike Huckabee and leave a link to an article. I believe that he is a brother in Christ, however, I also believe that he has ignored many of the Biblical principles regarding government as he has served in that arena. You can see that simply from reading his About page at MikeHuckabee.com. He has been involved in supplying more funding for the government schools, been involved with the government trying to control peoples personal decisions (weight and smoking), and is taking money from one group of people and giving it to another group of people (ARKids program). The Bible calls this theft. Our Constitution clearly limits the authority of the government and all of these things (schooling, health, insurance) are outside of the bounds of the governments Constitutional authority. He has chosen to disregard our LAWS! This is unbiblical!

    We do have an option. Check out RonPaul2008.com This is a man that is pricipled and has proven by his record that he will uphold our law, the Constitution. Please do some research on Ron Paul and see what you think.

    I also wanted to link to an article on Mike Huckabee that goes into more detail on his voting record and also his moral stands. Please read it. I think the question about how could someone who is truly principled on the pro-life issue consider a vice presidential run on a ticket with someone clearly as pro-choice as Guiliani, is right on the money. I’m afraid that Huckabee is willing to compromise on too many issues to receive my vote. Here is the link:


    I hope this doesn’t come across as harsh. It is not my intention. I am disappointed at the lack of knowledge about Ron Paul and the Christian support of Huckabee, who is not nearly as conservative. I will state again, that I do believe that Huckabee is a Christian, and am not trying to malign him. Most of what I stated here can be readily found on his own website. I just don’t think that he is principled when it comes to upholding the Constitution. I don’t know that he has even thought it through.

    Blessings and prayers for our country,


    Mommy to 8 little ones ages 1-10 and one more due in April

    Edited by Rhen- You are not harsh at all. We have not decided who to support yet. Ron Paul does have some great qualities but I do not know his stance on the homeschooling community. We are still researching the candidates.

  2. Here is a quote from Ron Paul’s website on homeschooing.

    “My commitment to ensuring home schooling remains a practical alternative for American families is unmatched by any Presidential candidate.

    Returning control of education to parents is the centerpiece of my education agenda. As President I will advance tax credits through the Family Education Freedom Act, which reduces taxes to make it easier for parents to home school by allowing them to devote more of their own funds to their children’s education.

    I am committed to guaranteeing parity for home school diplomas and advancing equal scholarship consideration for students entering college from a home school environment.

    We must have permanency in the Department of Defense Home School Tier 1 Pilot Program, providing recruitment status parity for home school graduates. I will use my authority to prevent the Department of Education from regulating home school activities.

    I will veto any legislation that creates national standards or national testing for home school parents or students. I also believe that, as long as No Child Left Behind remains law, it must include the protections for home schoolers included in sec. 9506 (enshrining home schoolers’ rights) and 9527 (guaranteeing no national curriculum).

    Federal monies must never be used to undermine the rights of homeschooling parents. I will use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to encourage a culture of educational freedom throughout the nation.”

    Here is a link to Ron Paul on homeschooling on You Tube:

    Thanks for the conversation.


  3. I hope that I am not double posting this comment. Here is Ron Paul’s stand on homeschooling from his website, the link is:


    “My commitment to ensuring home schooling remains a practical alternative for American families is unmatched by any Presidential candidate.

    Returning control of education to parents is the centerpiece of my education agenda. As President I will advance tax credits through the Family Education Freedom Act, which reduces taxes to make it easier for parents to home school by allowing them to devote more of their own funds to their children’s education.”

    Here is a link to some of his comments on homeschooling on YouTube:


  4. Having eight children, I have been directly involved as a homeschooling father for over 20 years. I am more committed than ever to parental and paternal control of the training and education of our future generations.

    Having followed Dr. Ron Paul in his three stints in Congress since the 70’s and being a student of history, I have always been impressed with his consistent unwavering dedication to the ideals of freedom and limited government upon which our country was founded.

    He is a man of the highest Christian ideals and character whose actions are, in fact, in step with his words. (http://www.ronpaulhq.com/images/Testimonial.jpg)

    Dr. Ron Paul, is THE Champion of Homeschooling in Washinton, DC, in word and deed. When introducing his Family Education Freedom Act (Education Tax Credit) to the House of Representatives, Dr. Paul made it very clear that parents are to be in charge of their children’s education. (http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2001/cr013101b.htm)

    He has also stated, “As President I will advance tax credits through the Family Education Freedom Act, which reduces taxes to make it easier for parents to home school..” (http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/home-schooling/)

    See this page of quotes by Dr. Paul on Homeschooling. http://www.covenantnews.com/ronpaul070727.htm

    On Dr. Paul’s official campaign website, he declares, “I will use my authority to prevent the Department of Education from regulating home school activities.”

    “Federal monies must never be used to undermine the rights of homeschooling parents. I will use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to encourage a culture of educational freedom throughout the nation.” (http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/home-schooling/)

    I do not see how these United States of America’s federal government could possibly have a more homeschool supportive President.

  5. Hello,
    you wrote: “Are there any out there who believe that the government is not supposed to stick their noses in everyone’s every day lives and are not supposed to make decisions FOR people?”

    The answer is: Ron Paul believes this.

    Here are some more sources of information on the topic:

    homeschoolersforpaul.blogspot (includes an article on the homeschool legal defense association’s endorsement of Mike Huckabee, rather than Ron Paul; this site also has a youtube video of Ron Paul visiting a homeschool group in New Hampshire;) you can also go to homeschoolers for Ron Paul meetup which has a blogsite on the Ron Paul 2008 campaign website; also take a look at the Family Education Act he proposed in Congress in 2001: http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2001/cr013101b.htm – 7k – Cached – Similar pages;
    Here’s hoping you’ll vote for Ron Paul!
    How wonderful that you have eight little ones! You are very lucky!

  6. My husband and I had not heard of Dr. Ron Paul before the May Presidential Debate. It was hard to believe that a man like Ron Paul existed, *in politics*! Since May I’ve researched and read a lot about the few of the candidates I narrowed it down to. I’m convinced Dr. Paul truly believes in the Constitution as our rule of law and most important, is truly a Biblical principled man and I will be supporting him. One interesting thing I found about Dr. Paul is that he opted out of the Congressional retirement fund. While he is a congressional representative he cannot practice medicine. He does accept a paycheck but gives a portion of it back and thinks the salaries should be cut and the congressmen be allowed to work.

    I found your blog while doing a “ron paul” internet search for looking for more information to put at my own personal blog. May God be with you and your family as you make your decision.


  7. I would also like to propose Congressman Duncan Hunter, who has stated repeatedly his commitment to keeping American familes protected and free. He supports school choice, and has a 17% rating from the NEA (indicating his opposition to them). He also supports that the same federal benefits for public school students be awarded to home school students. .

    I have great admiration for Dr. Paul, but I feel that his intence libertarianism, his time hanging out with 9/11 conspiracy theorists, his opposition to the war, and his belief that all of America’s enemies are our own fault will make it hard for him to be elected…and I feel he would be potentially dangerous in his foreign policy. I adore most of his domestic policy however!!!

    Please read more about Duncan Hunter at http://www.gohunter08.com and http://www.dhgrassrevolt.wordpress.com

    God bless,
    SK Johnson

    PS, I am a home-schooled 18 year old!

  8. Ron Paul’s Statement of faith also check out his site:
    http://www.RonPaul2008.com There is info in the tool bar about Homeschoolers for Ron Paul

  9. Catherine for NY State Homeschoolers for Ron Paul

    Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith: http://www.covenantnews.com/ronpaul070721.htm

  10. Homeschooling is just one of many issues where Ron Paul sticks to his long-term convictions of limited government and maximum freedom provided by our Constitution, which by the way has been shredded in recent years. As a homeschool mom, I’ve done my homework and he is without a doubt, the most pro-homeschool candidate. I’m amazed that we have an opportunity to support someone of his caliber. And yes, he can still win if we spread the word.
    He just won the most delegates in Washington State, although you will hear nothing of it on major media.

    By the way, Huckabee imposed regulations on Arkansas homeschooling as governor that are not found in any other state. Then he labels himself “pro-homeschool.” Go figure.

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