Tag Archives: mom blogger

Under Construction

If you happen to find the time to pop over to visit me on the ole blog and find it a little quiet, there is a reason for that. For the moment, both the blog and I are under construction.

I have so much that I want to write about and share with you. I have far too many great photos of of my latest projects and plans. I have interesting stories to regale you with of my adventures with the kids. Throughout it all, life has given me so many “God moments” to share that I hope you will find encouraging and uplifting.

I also have an Optional gymnast that is in the middle of her competition season. Birthday season is in full swing, springtime on the homestead brings about its own incredibly long to-do list, and let’s not even get into the school to-do list that encompasses pre-school to our first graduating senior.

What I don’t have is time. Sadly, I have been only given 24 hours in a day, and despite my most valiant efforts to shove and cram 30 hours of accomplishments into that 24 hours, I cannot.

I am also making a personal transition, as a mom, that will be reflected in my writing.  Mark and I are moving into a new phase in our lives, and it takes a little bit to test these waters!  It is exciting, scary, and a little sad all wrapped up together.

I hope you will stick around and see what we are up to.

All for God’s glory,


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