Our Own Kind of Vintage

Little girls like Ms. Dimples (2) love to twirl around and around and around.  As she holds Daddy’s finger with her sweet little hand, she is fascinated with watching her dress spin, swish, and stand out.

What makes this moment even sweeter is all tied up in the white,blue and yellow flower dress she is wearing.

You see, Ms. Dimples is the sixth little girl to wear that very dress and spin while holding Daddy’s finger.

My mother-in-law bought this lovely dress at a yard sale 14 years ago.

I have pictures of Ms. Serious (14) wearing that dress when she was 2 and running down the dock in Biloxi, MS, to show off her new dress to her grandparents, Papa Gump and Gum Gum.

I have pictures of Ms. Firecracker (11) dancing with her Daddy in her Granny and Papaw’s kitchen.

I have pictures of Ms. Lovebug (9) showing her Daddy just how fast she could twirl and just how high she could get her dress to flutter around her.

I have pictures of Ms. Independent (6) whirling in little circles so quickly that you could hear her little dress flap as it fluttered.

I have pictures of Ms. Giggles (4) standing on her Daddy’s feet as he danced her around.  Her favorite way to make the dress stand out was to climb onto the couch and leap as high as her chubby toddler legs could propel her.

Ms. Dimples (2) is the last of the little girls that will twirl in this dress.  It has seen a lot of love, hours of twirling and dancing, many washes, and has been photographed more times than I can remember.

As our children grow up, there are items from their childhood that we hold on to.  This dress is one of those precious items.

I have considered using the dress and a few other items to make a quilt.  I have thought of making it into a pillow for my bed.  I have mulled over the possibility of hanging it in my closet so that every time I rifle through to choose a shirt I will see the dress.

What would you do?

Always in God’s mighty hands,


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This post is linked up with Marathon Mom’s Thankful Thursday Linky, and…

Black Tag Diaries Thankful Thursday Linky

3 responses to “Our Own Kind of Vintage

  1. I believe I would save that very special, beautiful little dress for my grandchildren to wear.

  2. You could make a shadow box with the dress in the center and a photograph of each of your daughters in the dress around it. That would be absolutely beautiful!

  3. i love lisa’s idea! i also think just saving it might be a good idea too… you never know how many grandaughters might want to twirl in it one day too:) so glad you linked up this week!! love your blog!

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